A series of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, hopefully reflecting the intent of the Founding Fathers, will be included in the next series of these blogs. The rationale behind these proposed amendments is included in the previous discussions by some of the Founding Fathers. Note that many of these amendments are not meant to stand alone but rather to work in conjunction with each other. Also note that many items suggested in the previous discussions are not reflected because they do not require amending the Constitution.
The first ten amendments, The Bill of Rights, provide for rights of liberty and property for the people and the States. James Madison introduced these ten amendments (and two others) at the 1st Congress. They were meant to correct deficiencies in the original Constitution. The proposed ten amendments described in following articles are meant to correct operational deficiencies in the way the Federal Government operates by establishing an incentive structure that will lead to Government behavior more consistent with the intent of the Founding Fathers.
Ahh... a Bill of Re-Writes, one might say.